Quake Wars Mac Download

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a first-person shooter video game, developed by Splash Damage and published by Activision for Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The prequel to Quake II, Quake Wars is set in the same science fiction universe as Quake II and Quake 4, with a minimal back-story serving as a prequel to. The Terran Coalition’s reverse-engineering of Slipgate travel created new frontiers – and wars. In the Subic system, thousands of mining colonists were slaughtered by the Klesk, an indigenous chitinid race. The first casualty: Lance Corporal Ben Keel, a marine on perimeter duty. Watch in browser. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Download (right-click. The new version 2.0 of Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Demo is now available! It's based on the 1.4 update and features all of the new features and improvements. Quake Wars follows the tradition of the original Enemy Territory based on Return to.


2007's Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is an objective-oriented multiplayer first-person shooter, pitting players against players or computer-controlled bots in class-based assault or defense missions. Each side has five classes to choose from, ranging from scouts equipped with sniping weapons to anti-armor-bearing demolitions soldiers, to heavy-artillery spotters. Each side has roughly equivalent classes with small differences that make for minor-but-interesting changes in play style. The majority of matches alternate between defense and assault gametypes for each team, but a number of stages focus entirely on one mode of play for each team. The maps in the game represent specific battles that ultimately determine the outcome of the war.


The gameplay in Quake Wars is very much derived from that of its predecessor (although with numerous significant additions such as vehicles and player-built defences among others), meaning during any given map a team must complete a succession of objectives in order to win. A single map usually contains around 3 or more main objectives, these objectives can be any of the following: Construction (preformed by the Engineer/Constructor class) Demolition (preformed by the Soldier/Aggressor class) Capture thell have access to the unwieldy but reliable GPMG (heavy machinegun) and the anti-everything Rocket Launcher. Your main task will be to assault and destroy objectives of the Demolition type, once you have an area held down you'll need to plant and arm a HE Charge and defend it until the timer reaches zero. A Soldier should not be seen as an unstoppable force however and you'll need the full support of your team in order to stay on your feet.
Main Weapon: Assault Rifle/Shotgun
Sec Weapon: Pistol
Grenades: Frag Grenades
Tool(s): Defibrillators
Item(s): MedPack, Supply Crate Beacon
Class Description:
As a Medic your objective should be to keep both you and your team alive in order to complete the given objective. Don't be discouraged by the fact that the Medic won't be able to complete most of the Main Objectives found in the game, without the support of Medics to keep the team at full health and revive fallen comrades any attempts to win the map would be near futile. A Medic also has the ability to call in a Supply Crate that'll automatically distribute Ammo Packs, MedPacks and Grenades. Also, keep in mind that for each Medic your team will get the benefit of 5 additional HP (to a maximum of 20 HP). You'll also be the one responsible for locating and destroying enemy Spawn Hosts (see: Technician) with your Defibrillators.

Main Weapon: Assault Rifle/Grenade Launcher (unlock)/Shotgun
Sec Weapon: Pistol
Grenades: Frag Grenades
Tool(s): Pliers, Deploy Tool
Item(s): Mine
Class Description:
The role of an Engineer can fluctuate heavily from map to map and even from objective to objective, in one situation you might be needed to stay behind the frontline and set up defences such as Mines and Turrets and in the next you could be fighting your way through hordes of Stroggs in order to get to - and complete - an objective with your repair skills. The Engineer is also the class best suited for driving vehicles through the field since only they have the ability to repair them should they get damaged. The engineer is also the best class for getting exp by parking the MCP by a anti-vehicle turret and constantly repairing it.
Field Ops
Main Weapon: Assault Rifle/Scoped Assault Rifle (unlock)
Sec Weapon: Pistol
Grenades: Frag Grenades
Tool(s): Deploy Tool, Targeting Tool
Item(s): Ammo Pack, Air Strike Marker
DownloadClass Description:
As a Field Ops your role will be to set up artillery and rain death on your enemies. You'll have acces to four different types of support (though you'll have to choose one of three different peices to go along with your Air Strike) with different strengths and uses. A Field Ops is often found on high ground where he can get a good look over the enemy emplacements in order to target them with his marker and once he unlocks the Scoped Assault Rifle he'll be a formidable fighting force even from long range. He is also crucial for indoor scenarios given that he is the only class able to supply his team with ammo indoors, in these cases he'll have to try and find a balance between keeping his artillery active and falling back to re-supply his team.
Covert Ops
Main Weapon: Scoped Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle
Sec Weapon: Silenced Pistol (upgrades to Silenced Machine Pistol)
Grenades: EMP Grenades
Tool(s): Hacking Tool, Deploy Tool
Item(s): Third Eye Camera, Smoke Grenade
Class Description:
A Covert Ops is an extremely versatile class, you'll have a tool or ability for almost any given situation. You might find yourself on a hill utilizing the powerful and accurate Sniper Rifle or you could disguise yourself as an enemy and hide in their ranks, waiting for the right moment to strike with your mighty Backstab. As a Covert Ops you'll also be a formidable force against enemy vehicles since your EMP Grenades are able to disable any vehicle for a duration of 40 seconds, you'll also have your remote triggered Third Eye explosive camera handy to deal massive damage to anything caught in its blast.


Main Weapon: Lacerator/Obliterator/Hyperblaster/NailGun
Sec Weapon: Lightning Pistol
Grenades: Sharp Grenades
Tool(s): Arming Tool
Item(s): Plasma Charge

Class Description:

The Aggressor is the Strogg version of the Soldier, they are the ones with access to heavy weapons and high explosives.
Main Weapon: Lacerator/NailGun
Sec Weapon: Blaster

Quake Wars Mac Download Full

Grenades: Sharp Grenades

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Tool(s): Stroyent Tool
Item(s): Stroyent Cells
Class Description:
The Technician is much like the GDF Medic in that he's the one responsible for keeping health up and reviving his team-mates. There are a few major differences though. The Technician does not have the benefit of an instant-revive that the Medic has, instead he must use his tool on the target for a few seconds in order to get them back on their feet so make sure that the area is safe beforehand. The Stroyent Cells that the Technician distributes are also different from the GDF MedPacks, since the Strogg uses Stroyent for both ammo and health the cells will yield a set amount of both (making the Technician a very powerful solely combatant as well). Although the most important ability that the Tech brings to the table is the ability to create Spawn Hosts by using his Stoyent Tool on an enemy corpse (instantly gibbing the person forcing them to respawn rather than waiting for a Medic, very important so keep that in mind), a Spawn Host can then be used (one-time only) by either you or a team-mate, respawning you in-placewith full health and ammo. Any good Technician should have creating Spawn Hosts as a top priority once a battle dies down.
Main Weapon: Lacerator/Plasma Launcher (unlock)/NailGun
Sec Weapon: BlasterQuake Wars Mac Download
Grenades: Sharp Grenades
Tool(s): Repair Drone, Deploy Tool
Item(s): GravMine
Class Description:
Same as the Engineer with the exception of being able to repair objects from a distance once the Flying Repair Drone is unlocked.


Main Weapon: Lacerator/Accurized Lacerator (unlock)
Sec Weapon: Blaster
Grenades: Sharp Grenades
Tool(s): Deploy Tool, Targeting Tool
Item(s): Tactical Shield, Violator Beacon
Class Description:
An Oppressor is able to perform many of the tasks that a GDF Field Ops can, there are a few minor differences between the two that make them play very differently while in combat however. The difference lies in the Tactical Shield, the Oppressor does not have the ability to distribute Ammo Packs to his team-mates, instead he's there to deploy shields that'll act as improvised cover on the battlefield. The shield will stop any bullet (both GDF and Strogg) and deflect grenades. Your main objective as an Oppressor should be to run in and deploy cover at critical locations such as hallways and bottlenecks, you should also do your best to keep objectives ccover while your team-mates are working to plant a charge or repair an object. The shield will also stick to vehicles giving added protection, put this on a Hog and it'll be able to withstand two tank shots instead of one. Keep in mind though that the shield swears no allegiance and can be used against you if you placed it in a bad location.
Main Weapon: Accurized Lacerator/Railgun
Sec Weapon: Blaster
Grenades: Scrambler Grenades
Tool(s): Hacking Tool, Deploy Tool
Item(s): Flyer Drone, Teleporter
Class Description:
Much like the Covert Ops. Differences lie in the Flyer Drone and the Teleporter. The Flyer Drone is a remote controlled flying bomb that you can use to scout ahead or send in towards unsupecting enemies, a direct hit will kill any class. The Teleporter allows you to reach otherwise unreachable vantage points and hiding places, keep an eye out for ventilation shafts.

Setting and Story

Chronologically, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars actually takes place before Quake II, which tells the story of a massive human counter-attack on the Strogg homeworld of Stroggos. This apparently occurs immediately after the Strogg are beaten back by the GDF in Quake Wars. This ultimately proves to be a disaster, as every human soldier is lost in the attack save for the player's character in Quake II, a lone surviving Space marine who cripples the Strogg war machine and assassinates the enemy leader, the Makron. Quake 4 continues the story of the Human-Strogg war.

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows XP or Vista
Microsoft DirectX 9.0c
Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.8 GHz or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) XP 2800 processor (Pentium 4 3.0GHz or equivalent for Windows Vista)
512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista)
128MB NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 5700 or ATI(TM) Radeon(TM) 9700
100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
750MB of free hard drive space, plus 200MB for Windows swap file

Space marines team up for squad-based shooter battle in this multiplayer-minded follow-up to id's well-received Quake 4. Designed and developed in the spirit of 2003's Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Quake Wars allows teams of players to take the roles of Global Defense Force soldiers and alien Strogg warriors to compete against one another in mission-oriented scenarios. Class-specific abilities encourage teamwork among squad mates, giving each player in the group an important role based on the soldier-type chosen. To welcome newer players to the field, aspects of play such as mission-objective listings and vehicle piloting have been simplified, while features such as character upgrades and global stat-tracking offer dedicated players opportunities to benefit from strong performances and hard-won victories.

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